My two children began attending Cape Clear Primary School in August 2014, in grades 3 and 5 when we became residents in the area. The children were previously attending a school of around 160 children where they were very happy.
I had reservations about sending the children to such a small school mostly because I had no experience with a different size school like this, but I was concerned about a few things. Now I think how lucky we are, and would recommend sending children to this school or similar if the opportunity presents itself.
I visited schools in the area without the children and was struck by the lovely atmosphere at the Cape Clear School. I met the principal who showed me around the school and was extremely welcoming and obviously dedicated to, and proud of his school. I was impressed by the curriculum and teaching methods. I then arranged for my children to attend the school for a trial day along with another school. After one day, they were very excited and wanted to attend Cape Clear Primary School without trialling the other school. I agreed with them.
My children have thrived. They are very positive about their learning. No longer can they slip beneath the radar. They have lots of one on one with their teachers and they just love it. Academically, the children are quite different from each other, but they have both moved ahead in leaps and bounds. They have now been at the school for more than four months and still sing it’s praises to anyone who wishes to listen. The other children at the school have been welcoming and friendly from day one. They are a lovely group of kids.
Sadly, after being at the school for a couple of weeks, the Principal announced that he had resigned. I was a bit shaken by this, because his attitude had been a huge influence on my decision. This was a natural progression, but bad timing for me.
Often change works to the benefit of all stakeholders. We have a fabulous new Principal that the children love and respect. He is enthusiastic and energetic and comes with fresh ideas that will ensure the future success of our school.
Anne Lombard (Parent)