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Cape Clear Primary School is a small rural primary school located in the town of Cape Clear, approximately 40km south west of Ballarat.  In 2016 school enrolments will begin at 11; 7 boys and 4 girls across year levels from Prep to 6.


The school is set in spacious, well maintained grounds and also has access to an adjoining oval and tennis court.  The school buildings and classrooms are in good condition, well maintained and provide plenty of space for student learning.  The school is also well provided for in terms of learning technologies and the school staff  have made a formal commitment to ICT integration through inclusion of that goal in their annual performance & professional development plans.


Structured programs are provided in all Key Learning Areas, with specialist staff employed to provide Science, LOTE (Chinese), P.E, Food Technology and Design Technology experiences for children across all year levels. Individual reading support has been maintained with the support of a number of E.S staff providing individual support in this area.


A small learning community means that students are provided with a high level of individual attention and individual learning needs can be closely monitored and well catered for.


The School is an active and integral part of the Cape Clear community.  With one full time and four part-time teachers, the school welcomes the input of the community and assists with community activities where these complement school activities and or benefit the community.


The school relies upon active parent representation on school council from five families and two staff.  As well as this formal association, the school has a good level of parent cooperation and involvement in afternoon clubs, morning fruit breaks, working bees, fundraising initiatives, community Christmas Concerts, annual whole school camps and regular sporting endeavours. 

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